ChatGPT 拯救了我的生命,而我到现在还有点缓不过神来!

本周AI 应用与实战网策展文章来自 Reddit。讲述了一位程序员熬夜加班出现不适,他询问 ChatGPT 的建议,ChatGPT 建议他去医院寻求帮助,最终挽救了自己小命的故事。

ChatGPT 拯救了我的生命,而我到现在还有点缓不过神来!

ChatGPT saved my life, and I’m still freaking out about it

ChatGPT 拯救了我的生命,而我到现在还有点缓不过神来!

So, this happened a few weeks ago, and I still can’t get over it. Honestly, if you’d told me before that an AI could save my life, I’d probably have laughed. But here we are, Reddit.

几周前发生了这件事,而我到现在还没能完全缓过来。老实说,如果有人之前告诉我一个 AI 可以救我的命,我大概会一笑置之。然而,现在我就在这儿,在 Reddit 发帖。

I was working late, as usual, on a project that had me glued to my screen for hours. It was one of those nights where I was totally in the zone, right? Time just flew by. Around 2 AM, I realized my chest felt kind of tight and I was feeling off. I shrugged it off as usual work stress and lack of sleep – maybe too much caffeine, y’know? I went back to my work but kept feeling weird.


For some reason, I decided to ask ChatGPT about my symptoms. I wasn’t even thinking it was serious, just curious. I typed in a bunch of stuff: “What could be causing chest tightness, dizziness, and nausea?” expecting some bland response about needing to get more sleep or cut back on the coffee.

不知为何,我决定问一下 ChatGPT 关于这些症状。我当时甚至没觉得这有多严重,只是有点好奇。我输入了一堆内容:“胸口紧、头晕、恶心可能是什么原因?”本来以为会得到一些平淡无奇的回答,比如要多休息,少喝咖啡之类的。

But ChatGPT actually took it pretty seriously. It asked about other symptoms – shortness of breath, sweating, etc. – and by then, yeah, I realized I had those too. ChatGPT then gave me a response that literally made me pause mid-sentence: “These symptoms could be serious and may indicate a cardiac event or other medical emergency. Please consider seeking medical attention immediately.”

但 ChatGPT 居然很认真地对待了我的问题。它询问了其他症状——像是气短、出汗等等——当时我才意识到自己确实也有这些症状。随后 ChatGPT 给了我一个让我顿时停下来的回答:“这些症状可能非常严重,可能意味着心脏事件或其他紧急医疗情况。请立即考虑就医。”

At that moment, it hit me how not-normal I was feeling. It was like a lightbulb went off. I was hesitating because, I mean, it’s 2 AM, who wants to go to the hospital for what could just be anxiety or something, right? But ChatGPT’s response kept popping into my head, and something told me I shouldn’t ignore it. I grabbed my keys and drove to the ER, feeling ridiculous the whole way there.

那一刻,我才意识到自己确实感觉不太对劲,就像是突然被惊醒了一样。我有些犹豫,毕竟已经是凌晨两点了,谁会为了可能只是焦虑什么的跑去医院呢?但 ChatGPT 的回答不断在我脑中回荡,感觉自己不该忽视它。我拿起钥匙,开车去了急诊,一路上都觉得自己是不是有点小题大做。

And here’s the kicker – the doctors told me I was in the early stages of a heart attack. They were able to treat it right away, and they said if I had waited even an hour or so longer, it could have been a whole different story.


I’m still kind of stunned. ChatGPT doesn’t diagnose, obviously, but the fact that it pushed me to take my symptoms seriously when I might have brushed them off… I mean, it really did save my life. Thanks to AI, I get to share this story instead of my family having to tell it for me.

我到现在还有些愣神。显然 ChatGPT 并不是在进行诊断,但它让我重视起本来可能会忽视的症状……可以说,确实是它救了我的命。多亏了 AI,我现在能自己分享这件事,而不是让家人替我讲述。

Anyway, just wanted to share with the world – and maybe remind people that if something feels off, don’t ignore it. Sometimes a little advice from an unexpected source can be life-changing.




本文来自投稿,部分素材可能来自网络,不代表【AI 应用与实战】官方立场。


上一篇 2024年11月12日 上午10:02
下一篇 2024年11月12日 下午12:51


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